Thursday, May 14, 2020

Leadership And Management Of The Workplace - 704 Words

Leadership in Gender Equality in the Workplace SEYEDEELAHE MEHRDEL West Coast University Leadership and Management Coleen Poitinger 3/16/2017 Leadership in gender equality in the workplace The need for increased diversity and strong women leadership is an issue in today’s healthcare system. The need for gender equality in healthcare system and number of women participating in medical field are recognized. Although women make up a majority of the United States population (50.8 percent), gender leadership gap remains a huge problem in the healthcare system. The healthcare and public health systems in the United States face a number of opportunities and serious challenges related to access, quality, cost containment, and†¦show more content†¦Recent research shows that lack of confidence is a factor that holds women back from having leadership positions. There is a self- confidence gap between men and women (Schuh et al., 2014). Whereas men are socialized to be confident, assertive, and self-promoting, cultural attitudes toward women as leaders continue to suggest to women that it is often inappropriate or undesirable to possess those characteristics (Enloe, 2004; Flammang, 1997). Balancing family responsibilities and work is one of the most challenging obstacles for women seeking leadership positions (Eagly Carli, 2007; Sandberg, 2013), and it can be especially daunting for the millions of working women raising children on their own (Hess Kelly, 2015). Leadership roles are time consuming and requires a responsible person, which is one of the reasons holding back women from leadership roles. References Baker, E. L., and J. P. Koplan. 2002. Strengthening the Nation s Public Health Infrastructure: Historic Challenge, Unprecedented Opportunity. Health Affairs 21: 15-27. Catalyst. Pyramid: Women in SP 500 Companies. New York: Catalyst, March 1, 2017. Dreachslin, J. L. 2007. The Role of Leadership in Creating a Diversity-Sensitive Organization. Journal of Healthcare Management 52 (3): 151-55. Eagly, A. H., Carli, L. L. (2007). Through the labyrinth: The truth about how women become leaders. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Enloe, C. (2004). The curious feminist:Show MoreRelatedLeadership And Management At The Workplace964 Words   |  4 Pagesand achievement within the organization. With the six employees that Madison consistently rely on, his leadership with them would fall under phase three. Madison clearly has formed a trusting dyadic relationship with these employees. Though Glenda and Annie could be titled supervisors, they assist Madison monitoring the staff that are unable to keep up with the report demands due to better management and assist with the overall goal of the organization. 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